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Entry point in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2019-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointment
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61. The Data Grid near-cache is the entry point to the N-tier caching infrastructure to facilitate better performance.
62. Minuet in G Major, Op. 14 is one of the most representative works of Paderewski, so the author made this piece of work as an entry point to explore Paderewski's music style.
63. If the stock does not break below the entry point, do not enter.
64. Electricity is then carried from the transformer to a main entry point for the building. This entry point is called the service point, or the distribution point.
65. The direction of their development suggests these services could be the entry point to long-awaited augmented reality applications.
66. A main gas panel shall be installed at the entry point of the gas lines equipped with regulator and gauge.
67. This is the main entry point for your application and the place to add new controller methods.
68. Building a dam at the entry point into the Yangzi river would just cause more problems.
69. OutputLink tab in the Project Settings dialog box,( set the Entry Point Symbol to wWinMainCRTStartup.
70. The service controller acts as an entry point of the request and response framework.
71. Locating a canyon's entry point can require hours of bushwalking.
More similar words: delivery pointpoint of entrycentral pointway pointkey pointpoint-to-pointcontrol pointappointmentby appointmentdisappointmentappointment bookletter of appointmentpointpointspointyin pointpoint topoint uppointedpoint outpointerappointoutpointendpointend pointto a pointpointinggunpointballpointset point
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